Saturday, June 16, 2007

1809 - a review

Steve Frank and Arnie Meltzer are the dynamic duo who write on beer as the Brews Brothers. In April, I was invited to Arnie's house to taste Berliner Weisse as part of research for their now just printed article in Mid-Atlantic Brewing News (Vol 9., No.3, June/July 2007, pp. 10-11).

[UPDATE 2007.06.21: Although the paper has a website, it usually doesn't publish its print articles on-line. So here's a link to the house on-line organ of the German Embassy in the US, where the article did appear.]

I recently purchased another bottle of 1809 Berliner Weisse style; I agree with my original favorable impressions. I'm wondering, however, if the bottle is active, that is, if the yeast or other fermenting culture remains alive and fermenting in the bottle. The beer seemed even more tart than I remembered it to be - even more of a summer refresher. Recommended.

When asked why American brewers are recreating this style, brewer Phil Markowksi spoke to a growing debate:
"It may be because craft beer lovers are looking for something different" from the high-alcohol, overly hopped brews that seem to dominate the marketplace.

That's a vigorous discussion for another day! And one that Brother (Lew) Bryson often addresses in his Session Beer Project.

By the way, to read reviews I've posted on other beers: look to the navigation panel, go to "Bloviations ... by Category", and click on "beer review."

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