Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wells makes the NY Times

I posted earlier that DC-area native Jeff Wells was about to open his new place in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. He has ... and then today received mention in the Food Stuff corner of the New York Times:

Williamsburg’s Beer Culture Gets a Boost
On June 14, Jeff Wells opened Wells Ales & Lagers in Williamsburg, a pub, left, that sells 100 beers, 10 on draft and the rest by the bottle, all of them for retail as well as at the bar and at tables. His establishment is one more addition to the neighborhood’s thriving beer culture. This place, which is announced by a pub sign that was commissioned from an English signmaker, is a simple affair. The bar is made from wood that was reclaimed from a bowling alley, and the chalkboard menu offers cheese and charcuterie, sandwiches and salads: 303 Bedford Avenue (South First Street), (718) 963-3435.

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