Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Best frites

Tom Sietsma can be tough on restaurants in his Washington Post reviews. But in his First Bite column, he often gives the benefit of the doubt to newly opened spots. And so he was today: A Brussels-Like Alehouse, at Home on H Street, his introductory piece on Belgian-themed Granville Moore's.

He notes one negative: the brasserie's original chef has already been replaced.

But as good as Granville's double-fried frites (aka French fries) may be, I give the nod to those at Brasserie Beck, and top honors to the garlic fries at Baltimore brewpub Brewers Art.

I was also pleasantly surprised by Sietsma's apt description of Saison Dupont (a favorite choice of mine for a beer with food):
The brew is a light, crisp, unfiltered ale that leaves a peppery finish on the tongue and makes a good companion to a pot of mussels.

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