As a drinking age adult, my winter season harbinger became and remains the Christmas Beer tastings at the Brickskeller.
Full details for this year's event have not yet been posted on the Brickskeller's website, so here is a description from a recent emailing from proprietor Dave Alexander, written in his inimitable manner:
Howdy Rowdies and Holy Goldies!
The Winter Holidaze Extravaganzee tickets are now on sale!
TWO DAYS in just two weeks! Tuesday and Wednesday, December 18th and 19th
This event will be held at the Brick in honor of her niftieth fiftieth. Thankth and thalutationth folkth!
This yummerific tasting is by far the best and easiest way to sample the incredible range of winter holiday beers the Mid-Atlantic craft brewing scene offers. C’mon down, meet the brewers and hear them speak about their delicious beers as we sample them for our own selves! This wildly popular (and at least 17th annual!) event features dozens of regional brewmasters over the course of two nights with completely different lineups of speakers and beers each night. DON'T miss this chance to meet our local beer heroes (beeroes?) Many people buy tickets for each night so be sure you get yours for this KICKIN event(s) SOON! You don't want to be a sad faced weepie wiping tear from cheek as our courteous doormonsters politely turn you away and snicker amongst themselves because you forgot to make the call! Doors open at 6, we never start at 7 but we try! Tickets for this staff fave are just $30.00 each and can be had by calling your friendly neighborhood Brickskeller at 202-293-1885. We will send out a mailer with more specifics as soon as they're done specificating! If you aren't on our Email list, how are you reading this!? Now is the time to get'r'on! Email Dave at: and say Dave! I want ON! And you are! Easy enuf? Sure it is!
CHECK OUT! We are THIS CLOSE to selling our event tix online! ohmygolly!!!!
Tapppssssssssssss. . . . . .
Along with aged gems from our vault in honor of the Brickie Fifty we are also starting to pour Belgian Christmas Ales on the Brick taps and they are YMmmMMMmMMmmMMMMmmMMMMEEEEEE!
Clipper City will be there on Wednesday evening, 19 December, and we're bringing a firkin of our Winter Storm Imperial ESB.
UPDATE 2007.12.20
Here's a review of the evening.
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