Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Plenty of life left for drinking beer: Larry Bell

There has been much recent on-line chatter about the stand that Larry Bell, owner of Bells Brewing, has been taking against a certain distributor, and about its implications for the three-tier system of distribution itself.
  • Here, from the Chicago Reader (15 December 2006).
  • A follow-up, from the Wall Street Journal (10 December 2007).
All very interesting and important. But it's the last paragraph of that recent Wall Street Journal article which caught my attention.
Back in Michigan, Mr. Bell is bracing for a lawsuit and didn't do much celebrating of his beer's return to the Windy City. He has been taking it easy because he had surgery last month to remove his prostate after being diagnosed with cancer. "It's major surgery, so I'm watching my energy level," he says. "There's plenty of life left for drinking beer."

Best wishes, Larry, for you and your family. Be well.

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