Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tibet to Oz

There's a bittersweet interview with Andrew Stewart on the imminent closing of his long-time Arlington, Virginia multi-tap bar, Dr. Dremo's, at the Washington Post blog, Going out Gurus (Fritz Hahn).

The last paragraph caught us up with the travels of peripatetic Bill Stewart, Jr.:
One person who won't be around for the last hurrah is Bardo founder Bill Stewart. He moved to Australia about six months ago, his brother says. "I believe he's in Sydney, but he's talking about opening a brewpub over there." The nucleus of this new business should ensure that the spirit of Bardo lives on: The bar's original brewing equipment is packed into boxes and sitting on a dock in Baltimore, waiting to be shipped down under.

Bardo was Dr. Dremo's predecessor. My post on Dremo's, with my hazy memory corrected by a reader: here.

In Buddhist dogma, Bardo is a Tibetan word for an intermediate state.
Dremo is a mythical Tibetan bear-like creature.
Amdo is the provincial birthplace of the current Dalai Lama.

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