Thursday, January 03, 2008


The Whiskipedia went on-line Tuesday. Here, from the opening
First of all, our thanks are due to Gavin Smith, well-known whisky author, who has kindly provided the overwhelming bulk of the site at launch (1st January 2008) in full recognition that you will probably all mangle it unrecognisably. The launch text is drawn from Gavin's excellent and authoritative book Whisky: A Book of Words (Carcanet Press, 1993),and subsequent paperback edition The A-Z of Whisky (NWP). A new and fully revised edition will be published sometime in 2008.

---Ian Buxton
Site Administrator
1st January 2008


I'm no expert on things whisk(e)y — even though I do enjoy a wee dram from time to time — so I'll wait for such as Lew Bryson and John Hansell, and you, to offer comments.

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