Saturday, January 12, 2008

YFGF gets a home

This blog— Yours for Good Fermentables —has been receiving such traffic these days, that I felt it was time to award it its own unique address.

So, now, it's on the interwebs at:

My first post here was on 28 September of 2002. It was about an attempt to brew beer in space, and the strange results.

I posted 8 times in those last 4 month of 2002, and then only 10 times in all of 2003. My frequency increased slightly each successive year.

But in 2007, the number of my posts jumped to 336. And readership grew—by a lot.

So, I thank all of you for taking the time to visit and read.

Treat your beer with love and respect, and it will reward you with consummate enjoyment. I hope that I have been able to occasionally raise the window on my love affair —chaste not prurient— with beer.

Yours for good fementables,
Thomas Cizauskas

PS. As of September 2008, Yours For good Fermentables has another, shorter, and more user-friendly address: A web squatter has taken the ".com" address. Oh, well.

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