Monday, March 31, 2008

A walk-off win at Nats new home!

The National's Ryan Zimmerman hits a walk-off winning home run against the Atlanta Braves in the bottom of the 9th inning last night. Now, that's the way to dedicate the new ballpark. 3-2.

Animated GIF of the walkoff homer.
From gbwells at PhotoBucket.

I didn't make it to the game but listened to the excellent radio play-by-play with Charlie Slowes and Dave Jageler at 3WT at 1500AM. To listen on-line, however, you'll have to pay Major League Baseball.

The Nationals Journal blog is here. Most postings are by the Washington Post sports beat writer Barry Svrluga.

1 comment:

  1. The Nationals new stadium looks pretty impressive! When the Denver-based Flying Dog crew comes out for Savor, we're thinking about going to a Nats or Orioles game...


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