Monday, April 14, 2008

American Craft Beer Week+

American Craft Beer WeekThis celebration of craft beer in America began as American Beer Month a few years ago created by the Association of Brewers.

Now retooled as the Brewers Association (BA), it is the national trade group of small breweries, craft breweries, and brewpubs.

But when it created an American Beer Month, it put itself (and us small breweries) in the position of promoting all American beers, including light beers and their North American industrial lager brethren.

So the BA reduced the celebration to a week, and limited its purview: American Craft Beer Week.

Clipper City Brewing will be celebrating at:
The last is actually on Thursday 22 May. But if Philly Beer Week could stretch its marvelous week to two, why not us?

From the BA website:
"In addition to being recognized for making world-class beer, independent craft brewers are amazing community citizens," said Julia Herz, a spokesperson for the Brewers Association. "Craft brewers are an integral part of many communities' charitable efforts. They donate to everything from fire departments, disaster relief efforts, local events, educational fundraisers and so much more."

Changed to a weeklong event in 2006, the inaugural American Craft Beer Week was recognized by the U.S. Congress with House Resolution 753.

In 2007, more than 150 brewers registered their community celebrations at

Also new, SAVOR: An American Craft Beer and Food Experience (May 16-17) will be held to commemorate American Craft Beer Week in Washington D.C. The event will showcase craft beer and food pairings with participation from 48 independent craft brewers.

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