Saturday, April 12, 2008

DC multi-tap news

The prosaically named Neighborhood Restaurant Group —owners of several northern Virginia establishments including the anything but prosaic beer-and-food destination spot Rustico in Alexandria, Virginia— have had plans in the works for several months to open a Washington, D.C. multi-tap beer bar and restaurant.

I checked in recently with Rustico's Beer Manager Greg Engert as to the project's status. Greg will be running the show in DC, once the doors open.
Due to some foreseen delays, looks like it will be opening in August; the lease is signed, the moneys are in place and the liquor license is ours.

[UPDATE 2008.08.20: Restaurant deadlines are inherently fungible. It's looking now like a November 2008 opening. Greg is still planning for 5 handpulled cask lines in addition to all the taps and bottles. Here's an update at Metrocurean.

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