Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Budweiser for sale?

There is renewed speculation that Anheuser-Busch will be acquired by conglomerate quisling InBev. I would think it more likely that Anheuser-Busch will purchase Inbev. But when millions billions of dollars are at stake, who knows?

From Bloomberg.com:
Renewed speculation that Anheuser-Busch Cos. will be acquired sent options on the world's second-largest brewer to the highest prices since January. <...>

"It looks like a significant position being built in anticipation of a potential takeout,'' said Henry Schwartz, president of Trade Alert LLC, a New York-based provider of options market analytics.

Hmmm. But where do these rumors start?
[Shares of] Anheuser-Busch and larger rival InBev NV rose Feb. 1 after the Wall Street Journal said they have discussed a merger that may occur this year. Speculation of an InBev takeover also boosted Anheuser-Busch shares on Oct. 3. <...>

Anheuser-Busch climbed 2.3 percent to $51.41 by 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, reaching an almost four-month high of $51.41. The shares closed at a record $54.97 in October 2002.

May 5 (Bloomberg)

[UPDATE: a followup comment.]

1 comment:

  1. Tom, I can't see why you'd see it more likely that A-B would acquire InBev as opposed to the other way around. InBev is the larger company by some margin, and certainly the one that's better bedded down in the global beer market.


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