Thursday, May 01, 2008

Frank response on beer judging

From Steven Frank, one half of the beer-writing duo, the Brews Brothers, came this response to my recent rant about beer styles and judging:
I agree with you that a point system would be more fair and probably be better for promoting beer. Interesting examples of how the current system of medals is flawed come from the experiences of two locals: Bill Madden when he was at Cap City in Shirlington, and Clipper City. Both took Silver medals in a category when no gold was given at their respective GABFs. Either these were the best beers in the category or not. Presumably so, and they deserved the Gold. Sort of contradictory for the judges to judge it the best of the style and not award a Gold. A point system would have been much more fair and would have given a better idea of where the beer stood.

Original post: Style creep: a modest proposal

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