Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beer is NOT made for judging

“Beer is not made for judging, nor for looking at,” he said. “It’s made for drinking.”

“It’s not because a beer is industrial that makes it bad. I’m not against industrial production. I would rather have a well-made industrial beer than an artisanal beer that tastes bad.”

“A brewery is a building,” he said. [As in, it's how you brew in that building that makes a good beer.]

Bon mots from curmudgeon Jean-Pierre Van Roy of Cantillon, the last remaining lambic brewer and gueuze blender in the city of Brussels, who, as he said, "took over the reins from his father-in-law in 1969 on the day after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon."

More by Evan Rail at his Beer Culture blog: What I Heard at Cantillon

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