Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Art of Homebrewing

Brewers United For Real Potables is a homebrewers' club in the Washington, D.C. area ... with the impish acronym of B.U.R.P.

Bud Hensgen is a longtime member in good standing, and a repeat winner of awards for his beers.

Not only a homebrewer, Hensgen, in the 1990s, had been a driving force behind coalescing the commercial small breweries and brewpubs in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia into an advocacy group —the Mid-Atlantic Association of Craft Brewers. He was its first executive director.

The Guild later became a victim of conflicting regional goals and dissolved itself. Maryland, alone among the three jurisdictions, created its own, still active, guild: the Maryland Brewers Guild.

Hensgen still has the organizing bug. This Friday, he is bringing together some of his homebrewing confreres for a unique exhibit at Studio Gallery, a Washington, D.C. art gallery.
ten local home brewers from the nationally recognized homebrew club B.U.R.P (Brewers United for Real Potables) demonstrate the art of homebrewing and present you with a tasting of their beers <...> [at the] Studio Gallery, the longest running artist-owned gallery in the area.

More information here.

I was alerted to this unique exhibit by DC-Beer.

[UPDATE 2008.10.09: Washington Post coverage.]

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