Thursday, September 25, 2008

a Tuppers' Christmas gift?

At the Brickskeller in Washington, D.C. last evening, it was a celebration of 25 years in the USA of Chimay —the iconic Belgian Trappist monks' beer. Guest speaker was Bobo Van Mechelen, regional Sales Manager for Manneken-Brussel, importer of Chimay.

When the floor was opened for questions, there were many about Chimay. But one question was directed at host Bob Tupper.

"Wait until December," Bob answered, reassuringly sanguine for the rebirth of Tuppers Beers.
Tupper, Van Mechelen, Wells
L-R: Bob Tupper, host; Regional Sales Manager for Manneken-Brussel Imports, Inc. - importer of Chimay: Luc "Bobo' Van Mechelen; representative for DOPS, Chimay's wholesaler in Washington, DC: Jeff Wells.

Photos here. More about the tasting, later.
It is our calling to take the gifts of God and make them useful for man.
— the Trappists' motto

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