Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sustainable irony

At Busboys and Poets yesterday evening, the guest speaker was running late.
Organic Beer Tasting

Chris O'Brien —the author of Fermenting Revolution. How To Drink Beer and Save the World— was scheduled to speak on organic, local, and sustainable beer at the Arlington, Va. bar/coffeeshop/bookstore.

But patrons were happy to wait, sipping on organic beers from Clipper City/Oxford and Otter Creek/Wolavers. Representatives from both breweries were there to discuss their beers.

Chris did soon arrive (only a few minutes off schedule), and a small but appreciative group listened.

He was late because of that bane of modern urban life: traffic. In a way ironic, that was indeed one point of his talk (and book) that evening.

Chris O'Brien

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tom,

    Thanks again for organizing this event. See you at the next one!



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