Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Is beer recession proof? Argument #2

And now back to beer business.
While I happen to think that good beer is a very affordable luxury, I am concerned that for some folks any luxury at all might well be too much for a while.
So says Hugh Sisson of Clipper City Brewing at his blog.

Now, contrast his statement with this one from Dow Jones Newswires:
Beer sales tend to resist economic downturns, and in some cases actually increase as consumers switch to cheaper alcoholic drinks.

But, when describing what he calls the concept of relative value, Sisson finishes with a more sanguine viewpoint:
Even if a sixer of great beer is $12, a comparable bottle of wine is probably $25 to $30. And have you seen the price of malt Scotch lately!

Is beer recession proof? Argument #1

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