Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rodenbach single barrel beers

Beer writer Chuck Cook, ever the Belgian peripatetic, is heading back to the land of Lambic for his 18th trip.

At his blog post listing his itinerary, he writes about the possibility of single barrel bottlings from the Rodenbach brewery to be exported to the US.
I had lunch with Rodenbach owner Jan Toye in NYC in September, and he told me that ... the brewery is considering direct bottling from some foeders [oak barrels] with no blending.

This is important, as each indivual foeder has its own microflora and distinctive flavor. <...> Rodenbach has never bottled a batch right from a single foeder, as far as I know.

I assent when Chuck states:
Given there are 294 of these oak barrels at Rodenbach <...> I hope this idea becomes a reality.

Read more at his blog: Belgian beer and travel.

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