Friday, November 07, 2008

The Session #21: Your Favorite Beer

Today, being the first Friday of the month, is the day for The Session.

The Session #21: Favorite Beer
The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was begun by Stan Hieronymus at Appellation Beer. On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s nice archive page.

November's theme —as selected by Matt C. at A World of Brews— is "What is your favorite Beer and Why?"
Before you say I don't have a favorite beer or how do I pick just one. I say BS everyone has a favorite. There will always be a beer that you would grab above all others, your go to beer per say [sic]. The one beer you will almost always choose over the others. When I get asked that question I almost always say I don't have one but then when I came up with this topic I realized I did and I know you do too.

pouring from the firkinI thought about that very question earlier in October when I attended the Chesapeake Real Ale Festival in Baltimore, Md.

In my posted recap of the event —The Existential Cask— I wrote this:
If I ever do find the perfect beer —my 'favorite' beer— it will be in good fellowship, amid good conversation ... and odds are that it will be fresh cask ale.

And, it will be existentially good.

Related post: What's my favorite beer?

1 comment:

  1. Favorite style: Fresh hopped/ wet hopped IPAs with my any blend of my favorite varieties: centennial, columbus aka tomahawk, chinook, simcoe or cascade.
    It varies yearly depending on the harvest but this year I like the Fresh hopped Hightide IPA by Port Brewing... Check out my beer blog at



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