As a friend 'texted' me on New Years Eve ...
Happy random human generated conceptual time measurement cyclical renewal celebration.
... so I have avoided old year wrap-ups and new year predictions and resolutions.
Other than my entry for the The Session #23.
And other than choosing this as the best title for a book on alcoholic beverages in 2008:

Written by Antanas Astrauskas, the book is
the first well-researched, multidisciplinary and highly enjoyable attempt on the history of fermentables in Lithuania. Published by “Baltos lankos”, unfortunately, still in Lithuanian only.
Translated, the title reads "the drinks ran over my beard".
In 2009, I'll not use the "I've over-imbibed" excuse. Rather, it'll be "Pea(r) BUHR-zhda Vuhr-VHE(RE)- yoh."
Acių labai ("Thank you") to Lithuanian beer blog Tikras Alus.
Well, that's just great: the title alone makes all other drinks books irrelevant. What's the point of even trying to compete with a title like that?