Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"I’m always good for a beer"

At his recent 'town hall' session in Elkhart, Indiana about the economy and his stimulus bill, President Obama had this exchange with an audience member:
“I’m one of those that thinks you need to have a beer with Sean Hannity,” she said. <...>

“With respect to Sean Hannity, I didn’t know that he had invited me for a beer,” the president said to laughter from the crowd.

“But I will take that under advisement,” he added in a tone that suggested it may be a long consideration, prompting even more laughter.

“Generally,” Mr. Obama went on, “his opinion of me does not seem to be very high.”

More laughter.

“But I’m always good for a beer.”

The Caucus
New York Times on-line
By Peter Baker
9 February 2009

Indiana? Hmmm. Maybe a Three Floyds Alpha King?

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