Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 casks, 3 hours, all gone

6:15 pm
To Rustico Restaurant in Alexandria, Va. for March Madness: 6 casks in 3 hours. Parking lot full. Found spot 5 blocks away.
Crowded for Casks

6:25 pm
Bells Hopslam cask gone already in 22 minutes.

6:30 pm
So, to cask Stone Ruination before it goes. Sent text message to find friend in crowd.

6:45 pm
Now, Nugget Nectar firkin gone in 45 minutes. Found friend.

6:50 pm
Explaining that cask-conditioned means fresh beer, with active yeast in cask. Watched as one customer defiantly was drinking bottle of Michelob Ultra.

Imperial Stout pour

7:00 pm
Casks of Wyerbacher Old Heathen Imperial Stout, Stone Ruination IPA, Allagash Black, and Allagash Four remain ... Barely.

7:30 pm
All casks gone. Capacity crowd (200?) remains.

Emptying the firkin

8:00 pm
Cask man is all smiles.
  • All the photos here.
  • Some of the time-stamps recreated from my Twitter posts.
  • Caveat: I work for a northern Virginia wholesaler that distributes Allagash beers.

1 comment:

  1. What's the difference between a cask and a keg?


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