Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sex change for beer?

Similar to other revolutions, the craft beer movement has espoused creative change, but has limited inclusion. Leaving aside the overwhelming Caucasian nature of the industry, gender-wise, at least, things may be changing. Slowly, yet gaining momentum.

At his Beer Examiner blog, homebrew guru Charlie Papazian has given a shout out to The Pink Boots Society.
Pink Boots Society
It’s a dynamic organization that was “Formed to inspire, encourage and empower women to become professionals in the Beer Industry.” Based out of Portland, Oregon the organization will be over 200 members and celebrating their first anniversary this April.

Inspired by brewer Teri Fahrendorf's 2007 cross-country trip of thanks and discovery, the Pink Boots Society is open to all women connected to the craft, art, and business of good beer. Not only brewers.

We are the female movers and shakers in the beer industry. We get the beer brewed and fermented with the highest possible quality. We also own breweries, package the beer, design beers, serve beers, write about beer, and cover just about any aspect of beer, and we are all women.

The Society will be meeting at the Craft Brewers Conference in Boston in April. In addition, several members will be delivering presentations to the conference.
  • Jamie Martin - "Things Every Brewer or Future Brewery Owner Should Know But Doesn't."
  • Ginger Johnson - "Where's the Other 50%?: Developing and Serving the Female Craft Beer Enthusiast Market."
  • Julia Herz - "What's Up in the Craft Beer Segment."
  • Sebbie Buhler, moderator - "Beer According to Women: How Women Brew, Present, Pair, and Sell Beer (Yes, Gender Matters). Candice Alstrom, Teri Fahrendorf, and Jodi Andrews Stoudt
In a manner, the efforts of The Pink Boots Society could be considered a return to the way things were in the past.
In the Middle Ages, beer and brewing settles into the familiar premodern pattern. Much brewing is performed on a domestic scale by women called alewives [at least in the British Isles], and it is a reliable source of income

Tasting Beer
Randy Mosher
Storey Publishing, 2009

... And then men went and industrialized beer! Go here for more details on The Pink Boots Society.

Some beer blogs not from the male point of view (and another post from me):

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