Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twittering in Boston

Since I'm not in Boston, Massachusetts this week, I'm getting my vicarious Craft Brewers Conference jollies by following the Tweets of some folk who are there.
Craft Brewers Conference 2009
  • @BeerAdvocate
  • @Brookston
  • @brophybrewer
  • @CapCityBrewers
  • @BeerAmericaTV
  • @CapCityBrewers
  • @CharliePapazian
  • @Cicerone_org
  • @fullsteam
  • @jcperro
  • @macgruffus
  • @StoneGreg
I had originally suggested #cbc as a Twitter search term for the Conference, but that turns out to be the Twitter search term for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Charlie Papazian of the Brewers Association/American Homebrewer Association suggested the much better #cbc09. It avoids the confusion, and has been adopted by most.

So to follow along, you don't even have to sign up with Twitter ... although you should. Go to http://search.twitter.com/search and type in #cbc09.

CBC 2009
For example, a Tweet today from @CapCityBrewers (Capitol City Brewing Company in Washington, DC area):
Harpoon has been a great host. Brewers and industry folk mixing it up. #cbc09 http://twitpic.com/3qngf

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