Sunday, May 31, 2009

Clamps & Gaskets: Roundup for Week 21

Clamps and Gaskets: weekly wrap-upClamps and Gaskets is a weekly wrap-up of stories that I have not posted at Yours For Good, but that, nevertheless, I find interesting or germane.

Most are concerned with beer, or wine, or whisk(e)y. Some are not. But all are brief. And many are re-posts from my Twitter account:

This is Week 21:
24 May - 30 May 2009
  • 2009.05.30
    Pronunciation tip at SAVOR: The 'i' in Pliny the Elder is like "gimme" not like "winey"."

  • 2009.05.30
    Basic info but good to see that grocery chain Wegmans has a beer-and-food pairing guide.

  • 2009.05.30
    The Beer Institute spent $170,000 in 1st quarter 2009 to lobby on government regs/laws concerning beer.

  • 2009.05.30
    Best US neighborhoods, as determined by Mens Jounal:

  • 2009.05.30
    "You don't need a TV or radio. You don't even need a newspaper. But you DO need the Internet," says San Fran homeless man.

  • 2009.05.30
    Add @legendbrewingco in Richmond, Virginia to the list of DC/MD/VA brewing companies on Twitter.

  • 2009.05.30
    Lovely post from historian Maureen Ogle on the value of work: Living the Life You Love.

  • 2009.05.30
    Clipper City Brewing Company of Baltimore, Md., now on Twitter. @HeavySeasBeer.

  • 2009.05.30
    A list of DC/MD/VA breweries that use Twitter.

  • 2009.05.30
    Washington City Paper's Orr Stuhl reviews the eponymous lagers -and ales- of Carol Stoudt tasted at the Brickskeller.

  • 2009.05.29
    A short history of beer cans, with photos.

  • 2009.05.29
    The State of Virginia frowns on smiling ... on driver's license photos. From the Washington Post:

  • 2009.05.29
    Fermentation Wine Blog looks at Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's ruling against out-of-state wine shippers, and in favor of distributors and state's rights, in the case of Swedenburg v. Kelly.

  • 2009.05.28
    Should you follow me on Twitter? My Social Score is 10%; my Sharing Score is 59%; my Narcissism Score is 31%. Info at Followable Tweetlens.

  • 2009.05.28
    “The family meal is a social event, not a food ingestion event.” 21st century Emily Post: No texting at the dinner table. From the New York Times:

  • 2009.05.28
    New York judge temporarily halts New York State's bottle deposit bill, pending lawsuits [and a constitutional review].

  • 2009.05.27
    Historian Maureen Ogle in rebuttal to columnist Maureen Dowd: Twitter is simply a new form of ball-point pen, NOT a barbarian at the page.

  • 2009.05.27
    A Brit defines the 'perfect' beer garden ... and it's German.

  • 2009.05.27
    Chef and beer-cookbook author Lucy Saunders gets a a nod from the Washington Post, and offers more advice about beer-with-food pairing.

  • 2009.05.27
    Spring storms severely damage German Hallertauer hop fields. May add to pressure on hop availability and price yet again.

  • 2009.05.27
    @beerspotter (Orr Shtuhl) reviews the Brasserie Beck/Jocelyn Cambier French beer dinner for Washington City Paper.

  • 2009.05.27
    There's a new theory that rapid human evolution may have arisen from the ability to cook food.

  • Beer bung thief

  • 2009.05.27
    A wine study with beer implications. Wood aromas are "limited by the action of yeasts during fermentation."

  • 2009.05.27
    British government forgets that the nation grows thousands of acres of barley.

  • 2009.05.27
    Wall Street Journal on Robert Parker and the ethics of wine reviewers accepting gifts from wineries they review.

  • 2009.05.26
    Wine/food pairing tip via wine author @KevinZraly: Young red wines with high tannins will taste better paired with high fat-content foods. The fat softens the tannins.

  • 2009.05.26
    A successful Cleveland Ohio community garden program may be coming to Baltimore, Maryland ... and to Whole Foods stores.

  • 2009.05.26
    "Czech Beer" -Ceske Pivo- a new European Union Protected Geographical Indication designation needs overhauling, says blogger Evan Rail

  • 2009.05.25
    No local/Maryland beers at Baltimore Brew at the Zoo. The Baltimore Sun's Rob Kasper asks why.

  • 2009.05.25
    On hiatus for a creative breather: EatAir, a vegetarian recipe blog that has posted almost 600 recipes.

  • 2009.05.25
    Unfettered Capitalism is Bad for Your Diet: A majority of US food production is owned by only a few conglomerates.

  • 2009.05.25
    The Mad Fermentationist blog -aka Michael Tonsmeire- reviews "Smoked Beers" by Ray Daniels and Geoff Larsen.

The Clamps and Gaskets graphic was created by NotionsCapital.

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