Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wine list schadenfreude

Beer writers, in their attempt to promulgate the pleasures of beer, can sometimes throw up their hands in Sisyphean frustration at lack of success.

Restaurants, after crafting gorgeous meals and fine wine lists, can sometimes toss bland International light lagers onto their beer lists as lazy afterthoughts.

So it was a moment of schadenfreude for me when I noticed this 'demerit' in an otherwise effusive review of a Japanese restaurant in Washington, D.C.
Sushi Taro's wine list appears to have been designed by someone who would rather you drink saké or beer.
Revamped and Revelatory
Sushi Taro has transformed itself into the city's finest Japanese restaurant
Tom Siestma
Washington Post
June 14, 2009
Ah! Turnaround is such fair, sweet satisfaction!

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