Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Twitter for Maryland Beer Lovers

A quick post of interest for anyone who
  1. Lives in Maryland.
  2. Appreciates fuller-favored beer (aka local, craft, some imports).
  3. Has a Twitter account.
The Baltimore Beer Guy blog has created a Twitter account to help Marylanders discover good beer in the state. When a Twitterer spots something special in Maryland —a new beer on draft, a special beer event, a good deal on beer at a certain beer shop, good beer news pertaining to Maryland, etc.— he or she can Tweet the story on Twitter.

It's called MDBeerSpotter, and here's how it works.

At some point in the Tweet, they should include "@MDbeerspotter" (exclude the quotation marks, but include the @). Keep in mind that Twitter is only 140 characters per tweet. The phrase @MDbeerspotter is 15 characters (14 + one space). So, if you're the one Tweeting, limit the content to 125 characters.

To see these posts, go to your Twitter account and 'follow' MDbeerspotter. (That's a reference to Maryland, not the medical profession.) Now, whenever someone posts about a beer spotting and uses that address in the Tweet, you'll see their discovery.

If all this appears as gobbledygook to you, but you remain interested, go to my post about @beerspotter. That's a Twitter account set up by a writer at the Washington City Paper specifically for 'spotting' DC-area good beer.

My post on it goes on at length about Twitter, and how to use that service.

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