Sunday, September 27, 2009

15 + 1 for MD & VA at GABF

Yesterday afternoon, I was furiously re-Tweeting DC/MD/VA results from the Great American Beer Festival (GABF), as they were being announced. The live Twitter feed provided by the GABF failed part-way into the roll call, so I relied instead on who somehow managed to keep up, typing in names and awards, as they were announced, without advance notice.

Cizauskas Tweets MD/VA GABF2009

So, how did the region fare? Out of 78 categories: 15 medals and one major award.

David Turley, my Virginia compatriot in C.R.A.B.B. (the Chesapeake Region Alliance of Beer Bloggers) has tabulated the results. Here, from his website —Musings Over a Pint:

Flying Dog Brewery of Frederick, Md. and its head brewer Robert Malone, were recognized for a stellar performance, receiving the award for Mid-Size Brewing Company and Mid-Size Brewing Company Brewer of the Year. Putting it another way: of all the breweries in the United states, producing between 15,000 and 2,000,000 barrels of beer per year, Flying Dog has been recognized as the most proficient ... until next year, that is. The brewery's Dogtoberfest —its Märzen lager— won gold for the second year in a row.

Clipper City Brewing of Baltimore, Md has now had its MärzHon win a medal for four consecutive years in the Vienna lager category: one gold, one silver, two bronze. Congratulations to head brewer Ernesto Igot and staff.

Clipper City Brewers GABF 2009
Clipper City Brewers Chris Farley (l) and Chris Mallon (r) flank Charlie Papazian (c) of the Brewers Association.
Photo courtesy of

Just late last year, Jason Oliver commenced brewing operations at new Devils Backbone Brewpub in Wintergreen, Va. Now, only a few months later, he has received four medals. That's a remarkable achievement for a new brewery. It's a testament to his brewing skills, as much as to the categories themselves, all lagers, more difficult, generally speaking, to brew well than ales. His showing pushed the state of Virginia's medal count to eight, compared to only one in 2008 and two in 2007. (analysis by Maryland received 7 medals.

Congratulations as well to Chris Rafferty —brewer at Rock Bottom in Ballston, Va., to Tom Flores and Maggie Lenz —brewers at Brewer's Alley in Frederick, Md., to Mark Thompson and his crew at Starr Hill in Crozet, Va., and to DOG Brewing of Westminster, Md.
  • A list of all the winners here.
  • A description of all 78beer style categories here. (pdf file)
  • My apology is offered to Flying Dog's brewmaster Robert Malone. I bolloxed his name in my Twitter feed.
  • Caveat lector: As a representative for northern Virginia wholesaler Select Wines, I sell the beers of Clipper City and Flying Dog.

1 comment:

  1. I was the one who butchered his name but thanks for taking the hit :) Pretty sure Ron Villone was a pro baseball player.

    I may get in touch directly with the GABF folks to see how they're broadcasting winners live for the event next year. I'd rather just attend the event though!


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