Saturday, September 05, 2009

Mad Fox gets 1st employee; 1st beer will have to wait

Bill Madden's last day as brewer for Vintage 50 Restaurant and Brew Lounge in Leesburg, Virginia, was yesterday, Friday, 4 August.

Today, Bill is the first employee of brewpub Mad Fox Brewing Company, in the City of Falls Church, Virginia. He's also an owner. Construction starts shortly. [UPDATE 2009.09.17: A 15 year lease has been signed.]

From the Facebook page of Rick Garvin, one of his partners:
Bill Madden is now a salaried Mad Fox employee, the relationship with the landlord is good, the contract with the architect has been signed, one last round with the general contractor to come next week.

The first beer of the brewpub? That'll have to wait until Spring 2010, Bill forecasts.

Back at Vintage 50, brewing now is Dean Lake, a past brewer and Quality Control Director for long-time, but now closed, northern Virginia production brewery, Old Dominion. I asked Dean what his 'philosophy of brewing' was. Without hesitation, he replied, "Let the beer speak for itself."


Earlier YFGF posts about Mad Fox here.

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