Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thank you to DC

Mike Dolan and Andrew Nations write the Washington, DC area beer blog DC They have initiated a series of interviews they call "Have a beer with ...".

One might argue that the main contributing factor to the ever-growing beer culture in DC is not the beer itself, but rather the people behind it. The brew masters, bartenders, beer geeks and distributors promote the scene, and in many ways, are responsible for the great selection DC has to offer. Have a beer with… is a new feature in which we spotlight individuals who play a significant role in promoting the DC beer scene in one way or another.

Since I merely report the beer news that intrigues me (and editorialize on it), I'm honored that they chose me as their first subject. I look forward to reading the upcoming interviews with the beer makers, beer movers, and beer shakers —known, and those who should be better known— in the Washington, D.C. area.

If you wish, you can read my interview here. I didn't embarrass myself ... too badly.

DC is the beer blog. DC-Beer is a wholly separate subscription e-forum of beer lovers in the Washington, DC area.

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