Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pic(k) of the Week: Brewers' Boots

See a brewer at work, and she or he will probably be wearing rubber boots: waterproof totems of the profession.

Brewers at small local breweries often get together to discuss brewing techniques, swap tall tales, and sample each others' wares. They'll call this informal session a Rubber Boots Society: a competitive atmosphere, but leavened with bonhomie.

Displaying his golden couture, here's Mike McCarthy, executive brewer for Capitol City Brewing Company, at the brewpub's 9th annual Oktoberfest in the village at Shirlington in Arlington, Virginia, on 4 October 2008.
The Brewer with the Golden Boots

Capitol City Brewing Company hosted ***************
Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of personal photos, usually posted on a Saturday, and often of a good fermentable as subject.

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