Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pic(k) of the Week: Brewery but Beautiful

Fritz Maytag once said something along the lines of "don't tell me that good beer can be made at an ugly brewery." His former brewery, Anchor Brewing, in San Francisco, is a beautiful edifice; as is Brewery Ommegang— in the foothills of upstate New York, near Cooperstown, the site of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

All breweries should be so lovely.
Sunlit archway

Silo and hoppers

These photos were taken in July 2007 at the Belgium Comes To Cooperstown Festival, a camp-out and festival held annually on the brewery grounds. This year's festival occurs this weekend.

  • Ommegang, roughly pronounced: OH muh gong.
  • From Wikipedia: Ommegang (Dutch: "walk around (the church)" is the generic name for various medieval pageants celebrated in Belgium, in the Netherlands, and in northern France. A famous one is celebrated every July in Brussels, Belgium. It commemorates the "Joyous Entry" of Emperor Charles V into Brussels in 1549.
  • More photos from 2007: here.
  • Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of personal photos, usually posted on a Saturday, and often of a good fermentable as subject.

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