A non-comprehensive roundup of the week's
news of beer and other things.
Week 1
1 January 2011 - 7 January 2011
- 2011.01.07
Cooking with beer was the January topic for The Session: Beer Blogging Friday #47. - 2011.01.07
How to increase 'craft beer' market share? Change the definition of craft beer: triple the limit. Via just drinks.com. - 2011.01.07
A year's delay for not-yet-opened Logan-Shaw Brewery's plans to brew Wild Goose beer in Maryland. - 2011.1.06
Bob & Ellie Tupper to taste their 20,000th beer(!), 17 January at R.F.D. in Washington, D.C. Their recipe for "Tuppers India Ink Black IPA" brewed for them by Mad Fox Brewing Company. - 2011.01.06
Brewery name change: Ashburn, Virginia brewery 28 North now called Lost Rhino Brewing Company due to trademark issues. On Twitter at @LostBrewer. On Facebook . - 2011.01.06
Bring the teapot to the kettle, not vice versa. On Slate: How to make a good cup of tea, per George Orwell. Unfortunately, climate change may be harming the taste and decreasing the yield of tea. Via Huffington Post. - 2011.01.05
The trouble with BJCP beer styles is that they are not prescriptive, but descriptive, says beer blogger Beervana. - 2011.01.05
(At least) six microbreweries race to open in 2011 in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Via Washington Post. - 2011.01.05
The 10 best beers of 2010, according to Brookston Beer Bulletin. - 2011.01.04
Mikkeller Brewery (Denmark) and Stillwater Artisinal Ales (Maryland) release a new hoppy saison with simultaneous cask tappings at 4 East Coast beer bars. - 2011.01.04
Serious Eats makes the "counter-intuitive" case that beer and cheese mate better than wine with cheese. - 2011.01.04
Dark, dunkel-style lagers: 'small' enough for a session; enough flavor to 'geek' on. Via New York Times. - 2011.01.04
Update on fire at Trappiste Rochefort. Via beer writer Chuck Cook. - 2011.01.03
Brewers Association re-defines a 'craft brewery' as, among other parameters, a brewery producing 6 million barrels of beer per year rather than the prior measure of 2 million. - 2011.01.03
British brewer asks: "Why is there an inherent misunderstanding of the need for breweries to grow?" - 2011.01.03
Top 80 albums of 2010, according to eMusic.com. - 2011.01.03
Hard apple cider makes a comeback in Virginia. Via Richmond Times Dispatch. - 2011.01.01
Historic Maryland Old Stein Inn suffers major damage in New Years Eve fire; no one hurt; plans to rebuild.
- Clamps and Gaskets is a weekly wrap-up of stories not posted at Yours For Good Fermentables.com. Most deal with beer (or wine, or whisky); some do not. But all are brief, and many are re-posts from my Twitter account: twitter.com/cizauskas.
- The Clamps and Gaskets graphic was created by Mike Licht at NotionsCapital.
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