VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
Quick Links:
- A common myth about vegetarianism "But, where do you get your protein?" Via Happy Herbivore:
As long as you are eating a variety of healthy plant-based foods, you will not only get enough protein, but enough essential amino acids as well, with no worries about having to pair or complement certain foods together.
- Maple Sage Walnuts. Recipe via Grabbing the Gusto.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture has published a new list of USDA's new "plant hardiness" zones, the first update since 1990. Via the Kojo Nnamdi Show: What might grow best in your DC/MD/VA backyard.
- The European Union has issued official and legal standards for 'organic wine,' from grape growing to wine production. Via Just Drinks.
- Study finds people in north Peru ate popcorn as early 4700BC. Via BBC.
- Recipe for Cauliflower 'Popcorn.'
- Eat chocolate? Drink beer, says Seattle Weekly.
- World cacao crop threatened by fungal disease, climate, farming practices. Via Diane Rehm Show. And, good news about chocolate, via Kojo Nnamdi Show.
- Three vegetarian recipes for Super Bowl watching, including Beer Chili.
- In 2009, Americans ate more meat per capita than 1971, but less red meat.
Like the bomb, [Mark Bittman] said, the cow will "determine not only the length of our individual lives but whether, if we could see the earth a century from now, we'd recognize it.
Via The Progressive Farmer. - Fight a cold virus with spicy soup: chiles, tomatoes, limes, garlic. Recipe at Mother Jones.
- VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on vegetarian issues. Why the name? Here.
- Prior VeggieDag Thursday posts: here. Follow on Twitter: #VeggieDag.
- Logo by Tom Lee, beer columnist for Baltimore Examiner.
- Suggestions and submissions from chefs and homecooks: welcomed!
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