While in college, I 'performed' Cage's 4'33" on the student radio station, WTJU, 'live,' with several participants. The piece, as 'written,' consists of the sounds of the environment, the performer, and audience, and only those sounds, as a pianist sits at a piano: coughs, breaths, giggles, and all. For four minutes and thirty-three seconds, we did little except move about, an electric piano in the room, while the microphone remained open. Several listeners called to complain; a few called, worried that something was amiss.
If John Cage's art were merely didactic (it wasn't), a lesson may have been that the world itself is a music-maker. To hear it, one must shut up and listen.
John Cage died in 1992. September 5th was the centenary of his birth.
I have nothing to say
and I am saying it
and that is poetry
as I needed it.
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