Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cool Yule 2012! Beer Book #12.

Cool Yule 2012 (12)

The 12 Books of Cool Yule!. It's not a comprehensive compendium of the best-of-the-best books about beer published in 2012, but, rather, my proffered selection of twelve recommendations — some personal delights, others of unique or deserved merit, some not published this year but worthy chestnuts, and some, while not on the topic of beer, yet apropos.

Last year, in 2011, I counted down from #12 to #5, but fell off the tracks at that midway stop. So, this year, I'll try again, stoke the coals, and begin 2012 with all of last year's choices as a multiple choice for this year's position #12.


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