VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
It's a pre-Thanksgiving VeggieDag Thursday, with links to recipes and other news.
- At Thanksgiving, you don't have to choose between beer and wine. Via Serious Eats.
- For Thanksgiving, no turkey, but one big stuffed squash (hold the chicken stock). Via Washington Post.
- (Almost) the best Brussels sprouts recipe ever. (Substitute olive oil, smoked paprika for bacon fat.) Via Washington Post.
Vegetarian Pot Pie, from Rustico Restaurant, in Alexandria, Virginia.
- Savory bread puddings, such as Mushroom, Leek and Parmesan Bread Pudding. Recipes include eggs and dairy. Via Food & Wine.
- For Thanksgiving: Voluptuous Pumpkin Pie. Vegan recipe via Post Punk Kitchen.
- Linguine With Cauliflower Pesto. Recipe via Smitten Kitchen.
- Butternut Squash Kashmiri Chili. Recipe via Washington Post.
- Junk food makeover: Tater Tots recipe, via Bon Appétit.
- The single-fry method for 'double-frying' French fries. Via Yahoo Shine.
- The 24 best French fries in the U.S. Via Travel and Leisure.
- Farmland preservation efforts in Maryland face pressures and defections from population density increases. Via B'more Green.
- Raising infants and kids on a vegan diet. Via The Vegan R.D.
- Bhut Jolokia peppers: one million Scoville units, and counting. Via Washington Post.
- American Cheese Society 2012 Winners include Maryland's Firefly, Virginia's Everona. Via Cheese and Champagne.
- Galaxy Hut —a good beer pub in Arlington, Virginia— goes with a 100% vegetarian / vegan food menu.
- Why the name VeggieDag? Here.
- Prior VeggieDag Thursday posts: here.
- Follow on Twitter by using hashmark #VeggieDag.
- Logo by Tom Lee, past beer columnist for Baltimore Examiner.
- Suggestions and submissions from chefs and homecooks: welcomed!
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