VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
Sunday, it's Super Bowl XLVII. That's forty-seven, 47, for you non-Catholic-schooled mathematicians. In New Orleans, Louisiana, the Baltimore (Maryland) Ravens will play the San Francisco (California) 49ers, for the championship of the National Football League.
Rooting for:
The Baltimore Ravens, of course.
Drinking, while watching:
Baltimore beer, of course.
Noshing, while drinking:
So many options, but here are a few, keeping them non-animal.
- Black Bean Dip (pictured above as a sandwich).
- Hop Hummus. (Serious Eats has the recipes for 15 hummus variations, most of which include no animal flesh.)
- Green Bean & Dill Pickle Spread (a favorite of mine).
- Daiya non-cheese dip
Mac un-Cheese Sauce (without the pasta)
- Serve with Kepta Duona: Lithuanian fried garlicky rye bread strips!
- For something more substantial, make Beer Veggie Chili, the day before.
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