A bi-weekly, non-comprehensive roundup
of news of beer and other things.
Weeks 11/12
10 March 2013 - 23 March 2013
- 2013.03.22
Brewing "standards and baroques," brewpub Right Proper Beer to open in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, D.C., next to the fabled Howard Theater, in October of 2013. Via Lagerheads at the Washington City Paper.
- 2013.03.20
Scientists determine that saliva chemically reacts with compounds in wine to unlock aromas. A possible similar pathway in beer, via hop compounds. Via Beervana.
- 2013.03.20
Wine on tap, served via a draft system. What’s working and what’s not. Via Wine Table.
- 2013.03.18
Several Virginia 'craft' breweries to can their beers using a 'rent-a-canning-line' Virginia company. Via Richmond Biz Sense.
- 2013.03.17
Maryland's good laws for good beer: production breweries could be allowed to sell beer by the glass in their taprooms, and other proposals. Via YFGF.
- 2013.03.17
Brilliant critical thinking, as always, from Steven Pearlstein of the Washington Post: Is capitalism moral?
- 2013.03.17
"The best that can be said for Guinness is that it is the least worst of rubbish pub beer choices." Via The Guardian.
- 2013.03.16
"Ah beer, the perfect end to a day of tasting close to 50 wines." A Virginia wine shop visits Austria. Via VinesAdventures.
- 2013.03.14
Google to shut down RSS aggregator Google Reader. Via Huffington Post.
- 2013.03.14
An East West Coast IPA? San Diego, California brewery Green Flash to open $20M facility in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Via BeerPulse.
- 2013.03.13
Francis I: Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina elected first Pope from outside Europe in more than millennium. Via The Week.
- 2013.03.13
A wine glut is feared in New Zealand after a hot summer and large harvest, in contrast to the small harvest of 2011. Via The Drinks Business.
- 2013.03.11
Today, on 11 March 1990, Lithuania became independent of the Soviet Union. Via Central Intelligence Agency.
- 2013.03.11
The physics of beer skunking, and how the color of beer bottles can retard it. Via Wired.
- 2013.03.11
Scottish distillery accidentally flushes thousands of liters of Chivas scotch whisky. Via The Drinks Business.
- 2013.03.11
Alcohol may give heavy drinkers more than just a buzz. It can also fuel their brains, a new study suggests, boosting levels of acetate, an energy-rich by-product of alcohol metabolism. Via Science News.
- 2013.03.10
Think grammar doesn't matter? An airline deal is erroneously approved in India because of a superfluous comma. Via Reuters India.
- 2013.03.10
Daylight Saving (no 's') Time began in the United states this morning. Via Time and Date.
- 2013.03.10
The oldest common human male ancestor yet discovered: 340,000 years old. New Scientist via Yahoo.
- 2013.03.10
The rat may be the common ancestor to ALL mammals? A 66 million-year-old rat. Via The Week.
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