Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The best beer-writing in North America, for 2012 / 2013.

The newly re-born North American Guild of Beer Writers (NAGBW) announced the winners of its inaugural Beer Writing Contest ... in October! Tardy and abashed, I'm posting the results only today. From more than 100 entries, awards in six categories were given to works that had been published between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Click on the links, and read!
Russell & Brooks
NAGBW co-chairs: Don Russell (l), Jay Brooks (r).

  • More about the North American Guild of Beer Writers, at YFGF Plan for next year!
  • To join the NAGBW, go to the website: http://nagbw.org.
  • Martin Thibault's "The Farmhouse Brewing Traditions of Lithuania" can only be viewed with a subscription to Beer Connoisseur.

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