A bi-weekly, non-comprehensive roundup
of news of beer and other things.
Weeks 18/19
26 April - 9 May 2015
- 2015.05.08
Mild Ales are disappearing in the U.K., the land of their birth; but are re-appearing in the U.S.
—Via Tony Naylor at The Guardian. - 2015.05.08
Remembering VE Day (Victory in Europe). Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allies, today, 70 years ago.
—Via Wikipedia. - 2015.05.08
Remember the Lusitania! A German U-boat sank the passenger liner 100 years ago today, while the U.S. was still officially neutral. 1,195 died.
—Via Smithsonian. - 2015.05.06
Since its publication in 2012, the "The Oxford Companion to Beer," has been recognized as a standard reference on beer. For a list of errata (and corrections), go to A Good Beer Blog, compiled there by beer writer, Alan McLeod. - 2015.05.05
Cinco de Mayo: not celebrated much in Mexico, but an excuse for beer-drinking (beer-selling) in the United States. Mexico celebrates its actual Independence Day on 16 September.
—Via Long Beach Post. - 2015.05.01
He stood by us. Famed R&B singer, Ben E. King, has died at 76.
—Via The Guardian. - 2015.05.01
After city riots, Baltimore, Maryland's chief prosecutor charged six police officers with a range of crimes including murder and manslaughter in the arrest and fatal injury of unarmed civilian, Freddie Gray.
—Via New York Times. - 2015.04.29
After a Massachusetts 'craft' brewery complained, the state investigated a Massachusetts 'craft beer' wholesaler, and fined it for illegal 'pay-to-play' practices.
—Via Boston Globe. - 2015.04.29
Developer ordered to recreate and rebuild historic London pub, the Carlton Tavern, after illegally demolishing it.
—Via London Evening Standard. - 2015.04.28
'Craft' breweries find the cost of whiskey barrels has jumped 34% in one year.
—Via Bryan D. Roth at This Is Why I'm Drunk. - 2015.04.28
One more departing of the before-'craft beer' and early-'craft beer' era. Maurice Coja, erstwhile proprietor of Washington D.C.'s internationally renowned Brickskeller, an emporium that once boasted a menu of over one thousand beers, has died at 83.
—Via Legacy.com - 2015.04.27
American 'craft' brewery, Brooklyn Brewing, to operate Norwegian brewery, E.C. Dahls, in collaboration with Denmark-based Carlsberg, fifth largest brewery group in the world.
—Via Brookston Beer Bulletin. - 2015.04.26
Others have joked about a 'session' Double IPA, an oxymoron. Shmaltz Brewing, of New York, has actually brewed one. It designates its beer "Wishbone," tongue-in-cheek, a "Session Double IPA" ... at 8% alcohol.
—Via My Beer Buzz. - 2014.04.26
"While a little haziness might be forgiven, there is no excuse for beers that look like 'chicken soup.' "
—Via U.C. Davis Professor Charlie Bamforth, at Tandleman's Beer Blog.
- YFGF has been remiss: feature Clamps and Gaskets is several weeks behind the calendar. There will be a Monday post, every week until things are set right.
- Clamps and Gaskets is a bi-weekly wrap-up of stories not posted at Yours For Good Fermentables.com. Most deal with beer (or wine, or whisky); some do not.
- The Clamps and Gaskets graphic was created by Mike Licht at NotionsCapital.
- For more from YFGF:
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