Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pic(k) of the Week: The view from the brewhouse (at Key Brewing).

The view from the brewhouse (03)

Key Brewing has been a 5-year project of long-time Baltimore, Maryland, brewer Mike McDonald and restaurant-consultant Spike Owen. Now, their brewery is nearly operational, waiting in a 100,00 square foot building, located near Sparrows Point, just outside of Baltimore.

The view above is from the brewhouse, behind the camera, looking past the fermentation tanks on the left. The brewery occupies only a small portion of the entire building, but has the option to expand into it, when and where needed.

Notice that patriotic color scheme.

Red Brick Station @RFD

And, here's a photo of McDonald, on the left on a dais with emcee Bob Tupper, during a beer tasting in 2012 (December, of course), in Washington, D.C.


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