Wednesday, June 22, 2016

3 x 10^6 and counting.

I have been posting photographs to Flickr since May 2007. Most have been photographs of beer, but many not, with subjects such as wine, spirits, food, flowers, baseball, and other things. Most of the uploads are mine; a few are re-posts. In fact, I have uploaded in excess of thirty-three thousand two hundred forty-four (33,247), and yet counting.

As of today, 22 June 2016, those images have been viewed more than three million (3,000,000) times. That works out to about twenty-seven thousand five hundred (27,500) hits per month.
3 x 10^6 and counting

That "Pro" designation is not an indicator of skill; it simply means I pay for the file storage. I use the word "photographs," but, to be precise, these really are "digital images," although saying the latter lacks a certain sense of romance.

I've used five different cameras (excluding cell phone — and Palm Pilot— cameras) during this near-decade span. In order, they have been:
  • Canon PowerShot A520
  • Canon PowerShot SD400 Digital ELPH
  • Canon PowerShot SD980 IS Digital ELPH
  • Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
Here I am in 2009, displaying the then 'official' camera of YFGF: Canon PowerShot SD400. The point-and-shoot took a lot of abuse that year; I appear proud of the band-aid retaining its innards.

Cizauskas of YFGF

My camera today (and since October 2012) is the Pen E-PL1 from Olympus. In format, it's a mirrorless, four thirds micro system camera. Sort of a point-and-shoot DSLR: lesser than the latter, better than the former. No band-aids ... yet.

YFGF goes to Olympus (01)

Please feel free to copy and redistribute any of my Flickr photos, in any medium or format (after all the point is to promote good beer where and when we find it) as long as, and only so long as, you follow these Creative Commons 4.0 license terms:
  • Attribution
    You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Contact me for any links and/or with any questions.
  • Non Commercial
    You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No Derivatives
    If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
  • You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Three million views might be 'small beer' to more serious photographers. But, to me, it's a big thing. Some pics ain't bad: go see. And thank you for your support.

Now, enough vainglory. Back to the beer.

Pouring Fidelis (03)

  • As comparison, YFGF —this blog— has had one million, four hundred twenty-five thousand, two hundred ninety-four (1,425,294) hits since first going 'live' in September 2002.
  • For more photos of beer, look here on YFGF for the Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of personal photos, usually posted on Saturdays, and often, but not always, with a good fermentable as the subject.

  • For more from YFGF:

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