Here was Sweetness, the St. Bernard. Her name matched her temperament. Her flask, unfortunately, did not. It was empty.
On 4 October 2008, Sweetness was attending the 9th annual Capitol City Oktoberfest, hosted by the (wonderfully misspelled) Capitol City Brewing Company, in Arlington (Shirlington), Virginia. Then and there, alternate supplies of beer were, fortunately, ample.
Four thousand two hundred and forty miles away, the 2016 iteration of the world's original Oktoberfest begins today in Munich, Germany.
Normally, the party would run for sixteen days with the last day being the first Sunday in October. A celebration revision in 1990, however, ruled that if the 16th day of Oktoberfest falls before German Unity Day (3 October), Oktoberfest would continue until that holiday.
Thus, in 2016, Gemütlichkeit will flow for seventeen days during Oktoberfest.
Meanwhile, back in Arlington, Virginia...
The Mid-Atlantic Oktoberfest marks its 17th year, this year, on 1 October, with beers from more than sixty-five breweries.For the first time, the festival, this year, will be included as a "marquee" event of DC Beer Week —a celebration of beer in the nation's capital and its environs. This is the 8th year for DC Beer Week; for the first time, the DC Brewers Guild will be its organizer. Putting its stamp on things, the guild has transferred the event from the heat and humidity of late August to the crisp weather of early autumn, 24 September through 1 October.
Again, Gemütlichkeit.
- Capitol with an "o" refers to a building in which government meets. Capital with an "a" refers to the city in which government resides. Capitol City Brewing does not brew within the Capitol building.
- Albert Einstein and Oktoberfest. Yes, THAT Einstein.
- Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of photos, usually posted on Saturdays, and often, but not always, with a good fermentable as the subject.
- Commercial reproduction requires explicit permission, as per Creative Commons.
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