Friday, September 01, 2017

Happy Georgia Brewery Liberation Day!

It's the first of September 2017, which means that, as of today, Georgia has joined with the rest of the Union. Breweries in the state of Georgia can now sell THEIR own beers in THEIR own taprooms to THEIR own customers.

Georgia has become the 51st (that is, the last) of all 50 states and Washington, D.C. to permit this. (The penultimate laggard, Mississippi, enabled its permission on 1 July.) Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed bill SB-85 on 8 May; it took effect today.

Better late than never, no?
Duck the tour guide

  • Read more at Porch Drinking.
  • See a timeline of bill's passage, at YFGF.
  • Several Georgia breweries will be celebrating the law change. Here's a partial list from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Of course, every brewery with a taproom will be celebrating by being able to our a visitor a pint (or two). And every brewery visitor will be celebrating by enjoying that pint (or two).
  • The law also permits the state's fourteen distilleries to pour tastes —if not full pints— for their visitors. (Wineries in the state already had the right to pour wines for visiting patrons.)

  • For more from YFGF:

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