Friday, January 05, 2018

Pic(k) of the Week: 2017's 52-pic rotogravure

There has been no year-end bloggy navel-gazing here at YFGF. Until today.

The blog feature, Pic(k) of the Week, is a weekly series of photos, taken (or noted) by me, that I post every Saturday, that often, but not always, have a good fermentable as the subject. Pictured below are the fifty-two images that I featured during 2017. Click on a thumbnail to view the image in its full glory, accompanied by its backstory.

Of the fifty-two images, twenty-nine concerned beer in some fashion; nine were photos of an actual beer; four were taken at a brewery; two were selfies (although beer-centric); three were of cask ale; and one was of a glass of wine. For comparison, in 2016, thirty-two of the fifty-two photos I selected were of beer, of which ten were photos taken at breweries.

All of my 19,774 public photographs and images * can be seen at Flickr. Additionally, I have an Instagram account, under my name: tcizauskas/. There, it's a photo a day, but fewer are good-fermentable-focused than here.

Tomorrow, the first Saturday of 2018, there'll be a new Pic(k) of the Week and the series will begin anew.

Farewell, 44. The Breweries of Great Britain & Ireland (1958) Harvey's Sussex Best Bitter "This American carnage stops right here and stops right now."
The 1981 live Great American Taste Test (Super Bowl XV) Lithuanian Cross Three for cask Snow Moon eclipse (@ 8:30 pm ET)
Outside at Monday Night on Saturday afternoon Georgia Archives demolition (03) Flavor Enhancing Floaties? (01) Where in the world is the original Waffle House? Vin Scully in Brooklyn
Pint & torch 2nd rosé of spring Easter egg in tree Brewers queue for Welcome Reception (02) Barreling
Hydrangea begins to bloom Child & mother Brewers Walt Dickinson & Nathan Zeender ASBC Hot Steep Malt Sensory Method (demonstrated by Craft Maltsters Guild)
Technicolor idyll Wahl-Henius (01) Donald the Plumber Warhol in Atlanta
Gazpacho & witbier Pipework Drinking Budweiser & Heineken? Keep Hate Out of ATL Hop lights at Brewmaster's Cottage (04)
Earth Goddess in summer (04) Street scene al fresco Draft Pilsner in Sam Adams glass Totality -minus 5 minutes
One Blue Pussy Oktoberfest stein Pumpkins on a sill (02) Bug in a yard
Priming casks Brewster fashion Trumpeting, at Porchfest Small ceramic beer steins
Wooden cask, deconstructed Dr. Morten Christian Meilgaard (1928 - 2009) Mssrs. Beaumont & Webb (03) Beagle & the carrot
Canopy Walk, by night (01) Sartorial Charlie Tannenbaum topper Santa's Cheer Beer New Year's Poinsettia

  • * Those 19,774 Flickr photos and images have been viewed 3,634,593 times.
  • Although I began this blog in 2002 (and opened my Flickr account four years later), I didn't post my first Pic of the WeekHummus and Beer— until 29 August 2009. Since then, I ahve uploaded four hundred thirty-five subsequent Pic(k)s. I didn't begin creating summaries until 2015.

  • Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of photos, taken (or noted) by me, posted every Saturday, and often, but not always, with a good fermentable as a subject.
  • Commercial reproduction requires explicit permission, as per Creative Commons.

  • For more from YFGF:

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