Monday, April 27, 2020

6 x 10∧6

From the FWIW department...
Six million hits

For what it's worth, as of the morning of 26 April 2020, the 55,373 photos and images that I have posted to Flickr since 2006 have been viewed six million times.

And the pace of views is quickening. I passed five million views six months ago, on 27 October 2019. I hit four million views fifteen months before that, on 1 July 2018, and the three million mark, nearly two years earlier, on 16 June 2016.

Sine joining Flick in 2006, I've used six different cameras (excluding cell phones and Palm PDAs). In order, from most recent to oldest: Originally, most of what I was uploaded was beer-centric. In the past 4 years or so, however, my emphasis has shifted more toward 'artsy,' playing at being a photographer, if you will, if not always so successfully. The beer pics remain a-coming, just not as often.

Thank you to all who have viewed my images and to all of you who have 'favorited' and/or commented on them.

Yours for good fermentables,
Thomas Cizauskas
26 April 2020.

Are you our mummy?


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