Saturday, May 09, 2020

Pic(k) of the Week: Zwickel-Teasing

Mad Mild (03)

Zwickel is the German word for a type of stainless steel valve designed for taking samples [from] enclosed containers, possibly under pressure. [...] The Zwickel cock is built with a highly sanitary design and is generally found on bright beer tanks and uni-vessels.
The Encyclopedia of Beer (1995)

'Zwickel-teasing' is a euphemism for taking a sample large enough for, uh, quaffing.

In the photo, a brewer was zwickel-teasing a 'Mild Ale' from a fermenting/conditioning vessel. He offered me the 'sample' to taste. I accepted.

May is American Mild Month, the sixth such iteration of this nationwide celebration. I've written about that: here.

  • I took this photo, in May 2012, at the Mad Fox Brewing Company, in Falls Church, Virginia. After a run of a decade, the brewpub closed in the summer of 2019...but not due to this tasty beer: Mason's Mild, a 3.5% alcohol-by-volume mild ale, dark brown, with flavors of dark caramel, plums, and roasted coffee. And 'more-ish' in its small-beer package.
  • I've used this particular photo before when discussing American Mild Month, but never as a Pic(k) of the Week, per se. It's a good enough shot, so I'm making amends.

  • Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of images posted on Saturdays, occasionally (as is the case today) with a good fermentable as the subject.
  • Photo 19 of 52, for year 2020. See it on Flickr: here.
  • Camera: Canon PowerShot SX130 IS.
    • Settings: 5 mm | 1/20 | ISO 640 | f/3.4
  • Commercial reproduction requires explicit permission, as per Creative Commons.

  • For more from YFGF:

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