Saturday, August 03, 2024

Pic(k) of the Week: Daybreak over Constitution Lakes

Daybreak over Constitution Lakes

Two small lakes —once excavation pits for an early-20th-century clay-brick manufacturer— now are beautiful bird-and-plant-fecund wetlands of the South River. Here, pictured just after daybreak.

Constitution Lakes Park: DeKalb County (Gresham Park), Georgia, USA. 18 July 2024 (7:35 am EDT).
Constitution Lakes is a 125-acre park operated by DeKalb County, the land purchased for $1.28 million in 2003. Part former brickworks, part wildlife refuge, part hiking trail, part snake pit, and part art exhibit, the land has been transformed by both humans and the flooding South River into an ecological sanctuary smack in the middle of an industrial district.

At the center of the park lie two small lakes that were excavation pits created by the former South River Brick Company [late 19th and early 20th-century] digging out the soft red clay for bricks. The lakes feature countless turtles, crappie, and catfish, along with bass fish: large mouth, small mouth, spotted and striped bass. For bird watchers, you’ll see belted kingfishers, woodpeckers, ducks, blue herons, >[ibises], geese, hawks, and more.
History Atlanta.



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